Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 8, 2020

Types of inquiry-based learning!


Types of inquiry-based learning

Even though inquiry-based science education is based on students' curiosity and their experimentation, teachers still play a crucial role in delivering the inquiry-based science lesson. There are different levels of instructions that teachers can provide to their students and these can be classified as different types of inquiry-based learning. There are 3 types of inquiry that are commonly used in inquiry-based instruction:

1. Structured inquiry

Learners are given the question and the method of achieving the result, but the goal is to provide an explanation that is already supported by the evidence gathered during and through the investigative process.

Structured Inquiry

The structured inquiry process provides students with a question and a procedure to follow, but allows them to discover the solution.

What does the teacher do?

1.       Gives particular steps for students to follow

2.      Presents materials and equipment for the activity

3.      Asks investigating type questions from time to time to check if students understand what they are doing

4.      Encourages students to work in a group

5.      Monitors room to ensure all students are participating

2. Guided inquiry

Learners are only given a question. The main goal is to design the method of investigation and then test the question itself. This type of inquiry is not typically as structured as the previously mentioned type.

Guided Inquiry

Guided inquiry presents students with a question or a problem to solve. Using experimentation together with their prior knowledge, it will be up to them to determine a procedure and arrive at a solution.

What does the teacher do?

1.       Provides students with an inquiry-based question

2.      Presents background 'story'

3.      A teacher is there to guide students while they:

o   write a statement about the inquiry question that is testable

o   choose one or more ways to test their hypothesis and record their observations

o   analyze and share their results

3. Open inquiry

Learners must form their questions, design investigative methods, and then carry out the inquiry itself. They must present their results at the end of the process.

Open Inquiry

In open inquiry students come up with a question they want to research, students decide how they are going to research it and finally, they share their results.

What does the teacher do?

1.       In open inquiry, students propose a research question, teachers can guide students by asking reflective questions

2.      A teacher must adopt a new role - the facilitator of the learning process

3.      Scaffolding the learning for the students - assisting the students in understanding scientific phenomena without any intervention on their behalf.

                                Source: Europe!



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